Woodrow Wilson was The 28th President of the United States!
Woodrow wilson served as President from 1913-1921 and althouh he was known as the "Schoolmaster in Politics" from his days as President Of Prinston University;He also was a War Time President Leaing The Nation during World War I

Mr. Lloyd George; Signor Orlando; M. Clemenceau; President Woodrow Wilson. Hotel Crillon, Paris, France Peace Conference. May 27, 1919.
Credit: National Archives and Records Administration
A comprehensive biography of President Woodrow Wilson with many linked resources can be viewed at The POTUS site!
Another comprehensive biogrophy of Woodrow Wilson with many good photos can be found at The American Predidency Site
Many Fine Websites on Wilson Can be reached by clicking Wilson or by using the Hot Bot Search Engine Below!

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