The evil cowardly terrorists and those individuals and Nations who aid and comfort them will,as America's foes before them, pay the price for their dastardly acts of
war against innocent Americans
America is a great country and its people will meet the challenge that lies ahead!
The resolve of the American people is to meet any challenge and defeat any foe!
The spirit of the American people can be seen in the selfless acts of heroism by police,fire, recue teams and ordinary Americans who have sacrificed all to help their fellow citizens.
If you wish to help your fellow citizens there are many ways to do so listed at
You can also make an on Line donation to the Salvation Army Or other Charity of your choice!

World Trade Center from the Brooklyn Bridge
All Americans must stand with the President,the Congress,the Military, and each other in eradicating the terrorist threat from the lives of freedom loving people everwhere!
Click On Eagle
For One Of Our Many
September 11,Tributes
The Evil One (Bin Laden)





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Vietnam Vets News
WTC Photo Courtesy Philip Greenspun
Page by Retired Esquire